
Here, you will find answers to common questions about the healing and channeling sessions, designed to guide you

If you don’t see your question listed, feel free to contact me.  

General Questions

I am not a licensed doctor or healthcare professional, and I do not diagnose physical or mental health conditions. Please consult a licensed physician or healthcare professional for any healthcare needs.

The services I offer are energetic and intuitive in nature, and no specific outcomes or guarantees of healing can be promised. Each person may experience energy work differently.


If you would like to cancel or reschedule a session, please contact me via email 24 hours before your scheduled appointment. For any late cancellations/changes or no-shows, I will unfortunately have to charge full payment for the missed session given the time I have reserved for this.

The Crystalline Soul Healing® and the Light Language Activation in person finds place remotely via Google Meet which is an online, video conferencing platform. After you book your session online, you will receive a separate email with log in information.

The Light Language Activation audio is a personalized channeled transmission which will be send to you via email (without video contact).

On this page you will find all the information you need about this

Healing can be instantaneous, transpire over time, come in layers, or in a different form than you expect. Some people clear quickly, others heal over time. Sometimes you need to experience situations to embody your healing. You may need to make behavioral changes like standing up for yourself, exercising, or more meditation and relaxation time. Other times it may be a path of multiple healers assisting you. There is no “one size fits all” approach.

Follow your intuition of what feels right for you. Healing always happens and it unfolds perfectly because your Higher Self is guiding your session outcome. Samarah’s role is to facilitate the healing session for your highest good, and provide any intuitive information that arises.

Light Language and Crystalline Soul Healing® are not a magic pill that fixes everything the way you want it. They are powerful healing modalities, meaning it always cedes to your Higher Self rather than attempting to control your outcome from limited human knowledge and desire.

Healing and improvement always occur because your intention and the healer’s intention for improvement amplifies the focus and potential of your realignment into greater balance and attunement with your Higher Self. However, the outcome of your healing can not be guaranteed. Your Higher Self, in concert with your human self, determines the timing and flow of the manifestation of your path.

Please note, a Light Language and Crystalline Soul Healing® session does not allow the healer or you to control the healing so that you are only experiencing what your ego wants. No guarantees of a specific healing or result can be made. Your Higher Self, your divinity; is determining your outcome for your highest good. 

The answer is yes! The wave property of light is highly malleable. It is entangled beyond time and space, and therefore able to effect change without the limitation of the physical presence. Energy flows freely and reaches where it’s needed, no matter how far apart we are. Whether nearby or across the world, it requires no extra effort for the energy to reach you. The only prerequisite for a distance healing session is to seek permission to have this healing energy flow towards the client and this apart the client’s sincere willingness to receive it. All of my sessions are conducted virtually via Google Meet (or via Audio), and my clients have experienced profound results.

Light Language Questions

Light language is the essence of your soul, also known as your primal language or energetic blueprint. It is a form of communication that arises from your higher consciousness and does not contain understandable words that we can interpret with our minds. Language carries frequency, and our voice expresses much of what we truly mean; it is an energy that we allow to resonate.

Our current language has changed and adapted over the years, while the language of light translates a direct frequency into sound, without any distortion. The mind cannot always comprehend these sounds, as they do not come from logic or learned patterns. This enables the one acting as a channel for the higher light to receive these codes in sound. These sounds contain patterns of codes surrounded by light fragments, and it is the soul that recognizes them. We intuitively feel where the sounds enter, and they evoke memories in the soul that perceives them.

Light Language is recognized by the heart, it activates creation memories and divine blueprint neurons, in the physical brain. Its frequency extends beyond human sensory perception, which is why many people respond with tears, a sense of deep knowing, or a heartfelt connection.

The Light Language Activation in person finds place remotely via Google Meet which is an online, video conferencing platform. After you book your session online, you will receive a separate email with log in information.

The Light Language Activation audio is a personalized channeled transmission which will be send to you via email (without video contact).

Light Language is not new to Earth. Its origin is known as speaking in tongues to some religions and also various terms from shamanistic practices throughout the world. There are references to it in many ancient texts, including the Bible.

The power of Light Language is something that must be experienced, as words can’t fully capture it. It operates beyond your conscious mind, guided by your Higher Self, using the information you need in the moment. Unlike traditional languages that rely on your logical brain, Light Language is pure energy, vibrating at a frequency that turns information into sound and light. This creates a deeply emotional, mental, and physical experience. Light Language communicates directly with your DNA, where the frequency of love helps to adjust and fine-tune the instructions your DNA holds. It resonates with your heart and soul, facilitating deep healing and transformation. Its frequencies reach beyond normal human perception, making its effects even more powerful.

Linear languages like English, French, or Spanish are made up of words that humans have agreed upon to represent certain meanings, and they come from the intellect. They always rely on a framework that your logical brain understands. While they can express higher states of awareness, they are limited by the mind and personal experience. Light Language is different because it doesn’t rely on the mind or learned words. It’s a language of the heart, felt and recognized by your whole being/essence, not processed intellectually.

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Crystalline Soul Healing Questions

Crystalline Soul Healing® is based in an ancient Lyran methodology developed by Jamye Price. It is an advanced process of multi-layered change that supports empowered flow. It is an alchemical healing Template that reprograms the instructions and interactions of your DNA through your Higher Self.

A Crystalline Soul Healing® session can assist you to heal patterns, misinformation and trauma that inhibit your natural, loving communication with Life. It supports your empowerment as you learn to navigate your life with more wisdom and Love.

Your Higher Self is always directing your changes into more empowered, loving flow with Life. The Crystalline Soul Healing® Template assists your human self to create change more rapidly through the natural blending of your physical (human) and non-physical (Higher Self).

Crystalline Soul Healing® is a modality for the new paradigm of empowerment and healing as humanity evolves into more conscious connection with the subtle realm of creation that manifests the physical world.

The Crystalline Soul Healing® finds place remotely via Google Meet which is an online, video conferencing platform. After you book your session online, you will receive a separate email with log in information.

On this page you will find all the information you need about this
